Log4j Vulnerability Detector


This tool is designed to help detect server applications that maybe affected by the Log4Shell (CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046) vulnerability.

The tool will take a URL from a domain that you are authorized to scan and will call it injecting jndi:ldap payloads to check if the application is vulnerable to the Log4Shell.


If your server is vulnerable, it will try to reach the url provided in the payload. We will detect if the domain server had a request - and we dead-end the response with a 404, "Not Found".

Results take a few seconds to process. We will scan for a vulnerability hit for approximately 10 seconds, after which the system assumes that no vulnerability was found.


The tool will only scan a domain for which your account is authorized. By default, your login email is the starting access domain. To get more access to scan domains, please contact your CDW account representative. Feel free to create an account for each domain you have an email address to scan for.

Your email will not be used for marketing purposes. Domain scanning data is limited to your account for viewing and is purged after 30 days.